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What is Deep Coaching?

Deep coaching is a combination of life & leadership coaching, counselling and soul guiding.

Deep coaching is for people who want to feel more fully alive, and seek to live wholeheartedly and consciously. It is for those who courageously seek to define their own unique path, reclaim their authentic power and offer all that they are in service of the world. 

Rima brings all of herself to meet the wholeness of her clients; this may mean she works as a life coach, looking at balancing and optimising different aspects of life such as work, family, fun and health. It may mean at times she works as a counsellor, exploring what patterns or unprocessed experiences from the past are getting in the way of the life we would like to have in the present or future. It may mean she puts on the hat of leadership coach and helps you clarify how to unleash your professional potential and the impact you have in and through your work. As a soul guide, she wears each hat and all of these hats, while at the same time watching like a hawk for the clues and echoes of your soul – your essential and true self, seeking to self-realize through every aspect of your life.

Who is this for?

Deep coaching is for people who want to understand themselves more deeply, who want to offer themselves more fully to life and enrich it with purpose and meaning.

Deep coaching is for people who have already started their personal development journey and have the self-awareness to be asking themselves the big questions: What do I want to do with my one wild and precious life? Does my life speak? How do I prepare my children for a undoubtedly uncertain future and rapidly changing world? Do I honour the sanctity of life on earth? Do I inspire others? What legacy do I leave? Is my intimate relationship a sacred crucible for growth? It is for people who want to live wholeheartedly, and use all that they are in service to a more just, harmonious and intentional world, whether this be through their work, their relationships, their choices or simply the way they choose to be.

What happens in Deep coaching?

In Deep coaching sessions, I facilitate a profound conversation between you and your truest, wisest self. We access this wisdom using our hearts, minds and bodies within the space of non-judgement and trust.

Sessions are exploratory and will include talking, deep listening, guided meditations, creative free drawing or sculpting, journaling and intuiting. Sometimes we will use our minds, but we'll also harness the knowing from your heart, your body and from the 'field'.  I will create a safe and non-judgmental space for us to embark on this exploration together, and I will access a wide angle, systemic lens as we look at your relationships, work, aspirations and anxieties. I will guide you to see, perceive and relate in new ways, using your aliveness as a compass for your unfoldment. Together we will create a map for the future, underpinned by your deepest values.

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